
Through German social healthcare, the cost of standard prenatal, home birth, and postpartum care is paid for by the health insurance (aside from certain special courses). This is a wonderful thing! One of the only costs that most families planning a home birth have to carry out of pocket is the on-call fee.

Because babies don't usually stick to being born during business hours, this is the fee we charge to cover the time we are on call for you: from 37+0 - til birth or 42+0 week of your pregnancy, day and night. This fee isn't covered by the public health insurance because it is considered an elective service (though most contribute between 250-500€). We will talk with you in more detail about this during our initial visits.

Because we believe a person's financial situation should not be a hinderance in planning the birth experience they want, we try our best to work with families to find a fee that is manageable for them.

We currently offer our on-call fee on a sliding scale from 500-1300€. If you're not sure about where to position yourself on this scale, take a look at the Green Bottle Model. We are happy to work out an installment plan with you if needed.

You don't have insurance or this is too expensive for your family? Contact us and we'll try to find a solution together!